Associazione CNOSFAP Regione Piemonte is the leader of the consortium that is implementing the project "STEP-UP Supporting Tutor's Educational and Professional UPdate", an Italian non-profit association founded in 1978.
At the national level, it is a member of the CNOS-FAP Federation present in 16 Italian Regions with 15 Regional Delegations, whose objective is to ensure the promotion of the Salesian offer of professional training, the coordination of professional training activities in the respective Regions and the representation of the Federation at the regional level.
At regional level, CNOS-FAP coordinates the 13 Salesian vocational training centers in the Piedmont Region through a public service of vocational guidance, initial, higher and continuing vocational education and training, following the educational methodology of St. John Bosco. CNOS-FAP Piedmont Region is organized in 13 Vocational Training Centers in the 6 provinces with 424 people and more than 4000 students active in the field of vocational training.
Each VET course, if intended for expected unemployed students, has a mandatory period of internship in companies. Thus CNOS-FAP in the Piedmont Region alone has relationships with more than 2000 companies per year.
CNOS-FAP has many years of experience in the management of EU mobility projects and transnational cooperation in the field of vocational training and WBL settings. It promotes and manages projects and actions operating in Europe in different economic sectors, in close collaboration with the main representatives of the business sector, and it is partner of European VET networks in relevant economic sectors; in the field of mechanics, the professional sector object of this application, CNOS-FAP is partner of many companies such as BOSCH, IVECO, FIAT FGA with a long experience in vocational training of young people and adults in various professional fields.

Vytautas Magnus University is a public institution conducting research, applied research and development of artistic activities. 12 academic divisions: ten faculties. The university is a full member of the EUA (European University Association), which gives it the right to the services offered by the association and participation in various conferences, as well as the right to vote in the General Assembly. The university participates in multiple Erasmus+ projects with several international partners in areas of competence development.
Karalius Mindaugas Vocational Training Centre is one of the largest vocational training centers in Lithuania. In particular it values Practical Training Units. The center participates in five international mobility projects for students and staff with about 100 mobilities per year as well as one national mobility project.
The Lithuanian Business Confederation is the largest business organization that brings together service, trade and high-tech companies. It is the national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania. Mission: to consolidate Lithuanian business and create a competitive business environment.
Vision: to create a business organization that professionally represents service, trade and high-tech companies.

Institute Technology and Education (ITB):
offers degree programs at the Bachelor's and Master's levels.The Bachelor's program qualifies students for future practical and research occupations in non-education career fields, as well as to pursue postgraduate studies in the Master's program for teachers in professional schools. Master's study is offered with the subjects of technical business sciences, electrical engineering, computer science or metal technology. The institute actively participates in several international research projects in the area of competence development for students and teachers including collaboration with companies.

The German-Italian Chamber of Commerce (AHK-Italien): is part of a network of 130 German Chambers of Commerce in 90 countries around the world. Its main function is to support economic activities between
Germany and Italy. Through its service company, DEinternational Italia Srl, the Chamber offers high quality services and provides advice to companies and institutions in both countries. The Chamber of Commerce organizes various activities related to the dual system: development and coordination of tailor-made dual vocational training courses, organization of examinations and issuance of final qualifications, training and qualification of tutors, certification of dual projects of companies and training institutions and coordination and delivery of "upskilling" and "reskilling" courses based on dual training concepts.
Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro Ente Strumentale Regione Piemonte: è l’ente strumentale della Regione Piemonte che si occupa della pianificazione e gestione dei Centri per l’impiego delle attività di ricerca e di analisi sul mercato del lavoro, l’APL è partner della rete EURES che facilita la mobilità nel mercato del lavoro europeo; organizza IOLAVORO, manifestazione dedicata all’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro, e l’edizione piemontese dei WorldSkills, competizione in cui giovani si confrontano in differenti mestieri.

Federation of Social Platforms Pinardi: is a Spanish non-profit organization whose mission is the comprehensive education, especially of adolescents and young people at risk of social exclusion, as a tool for the personal development of the individual and his social and labor integration.
Salesians of Saint Vincenç dels Horts: secondary and vocational school near Barcelona with activities in the fields of mechanics, bodywork, electrical and automatic systems, office management, commerce, automation and industrial robotics, business and finance also provided in the experimental paths of the dual system. Each year, about 70 students enroll in the dual system at our school and the rest do the traditional apprenticeship.