23 giugno 2022 STEP-UP, progetto Erasmus+ finanziato dai fondi dell’Unione Europea,mira ad identificare un modello europeo di formazione per i tutor aziendali che hanno in carico i giovani in tirocinio, stage, apprendistato e formazione duale.La formazione in impresa è parte integrante del percorso formativo ed educativo dei ragazzi e delle ragazze; inoltre le figure chiave…

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European Educational Research Association: good practice from STEP

On September 6, 2021 Andreas Saniter, representing ITB Bremen, STEP-UP project partner and leader of the development of the first project output, participated in the online conference of emerging researchers in Geneva. Contribution With the expansion of apprenticeship, work-based learning (WBL) and other dual education schemes supported by EU initiatives such as the European Apprenticeship…

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We are back in face to face!


After almost two years we are finally back together! From the 27th to the 30th of September a small group of trainers, teachers and directors of vocational training centers as well as training and employment agencies will meet in Lithuania, in the city of Kaunas to deepen the theme of the Practical Training Unit. A…

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STEP-UP: WBL best practices compared

The Erasmus + project “STEP-UP Supporting Tutors Educational Profile” realizes a wide range of activities, events and outputs dedicated to the achievement of the set objectives and results. In particular, the project foresees the realization of four intellectual outputs: the work is carried out in collaboration with Spanish, German, Lithuanian and Italian partners. In this…

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Dissemination event: STEP UP a IOLAVORO

On May 12, 2021 from 16:00 – 17:00 during the event IoLAVORO digital  will be presented the project  “Erasmus + – Step Up: a European project for the development of the skills of business tutors” Presentation of the European project Step Up by the lead partner CNOS FAP Regione Piemonte and Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro and AHK-German-Italian Chamber of…

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