Dissemination event: STEP UP a IOLAVORO

Home » Dissemination event: STEP UP a IOLAVORO

On May 12, 2021 from 16:00 – 17:00 during the event IoLAVORO digital  will be presented the project  “Erasmus + – Step Up: a European project for the development of the skills of business tutors”

Presentation of the European project Step Up by the lead partner CNOS FAP Regione Piemonte and Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro and AHK-German-Italian Chamber of Commerce as partners. The project, financed by the Erasmus+ programme and developed by nine partners from four European countries, aims at developing and testing a methodological and pedagogical model for the support and the development of competences of company tutors, a key figure in the connection between the learning contexts (training institute and company). The company Cemas Elettra Srl will also speak about its experience.

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