Distance learning – remote teaching opportunities with online meeting tools

In order to meet the challenge switching from well known teaching methods in class, the following documents offers an example of how to teach your learners online using meeting tools like zoom.
If you have not worked with an online program yet, the links below provide handbooks with helpful information regarding several online meeting tools.
Additionally, you can use the manual to pick a certain topic or get further information on described in the instructional videos we shared in the learning units.

Richards, Paul W. (2020): The Online Meeting Survival Guide. Learn how to use Facebook, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom to enhance team communication.

Peyton, Christine; Möller; Andre (2020): Zoom – Die verständliche Anleitung. Vierfarben.

2020 Handreichung zur Nutzung von Zoom. Uni Hamburg.

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